It doesn’t seem to matter how big your garage is: you can always fill it up with stuff. Here are 5 great tips to help you make the most out of your garage.
Garages usually have plenty of headroom, so that leaves many cubic feet of space you can exploit. Is your family full of sports fanatics? You can buy ceiling-mounted racks designed specifically for outdoor recreational equipment, everything from snowboards and bicycles to canoes and kayaks. You can also get platforms that go up and down with a crank of a lever. These allow you to tuck hundreds of pounds of equipment up amongst the rafters.
You’ve probably got at least one pegboard in the tool area of your garage, but there’s no reason to limit yourself. You can attach your own homemade brackets, nails, and pegboards, or you can buy special panels designed to support hooks, baskets, and shelves. Handiwall available at Westman Custom Cabinets and Garage Interiors is an excellent choice. It’s lightweight PVC slatwall base is available in a variety of colours.
Most garages have enough room on the sides or in the back to accommodate banks of cabinets, while still leaving enough space to get in and out of the car. Even if there’s only enough room for 12” deep cabinets, that’s still a lot of extra storage if you run them from floor to ceiling. Also, cabinets look nice–all your clutter gets hidden behind the doors, where you don’t have to look at it every time you drive inside. Cabinets for your garage are just as modern as your kitchen now, offering soft close and many options in colour and finishes.
You’ve got a good 10-12 feet of height in your garage, right? And the average car is less than five feet high, right? Well, there are systems out there that let you stack them. Granted, these are pricey, and raising and lowering the top car can be a hassle if the vehicle is driven every day, but if there’s a car you don’t drive that often but that takes up space, it might be something to look into. Car lifts can make a lot of sense in houses with one-car garages. A SCG Toy Lift can also help open up space in your garage if you are a “toy” enthusiast. Stack ATVs or snow mobiles in the off season is a great way to free up some space.
If you’ve tried your hardest to find storage space for everything, but you’re still tripping over stuff, it may be time to clean the garage out. Chances are you have toys, boxes, and tools, that you bought many moons ago that you don’t need to keep around. So, gather up the clutter and excess items you no longer have a need for and have a garage sale. At least then you make some money and are rewarded for your efforts.
A garage can almost act like another room in the house. It houses some of your most valued belongings, your vehicles, recreational vehicles sports equipment and tools. Taking the time to organize your garage can make life a little easier and free up some extra space you didn’t realize you had!