I think by now we have all heard of chalk paint, right? It sounds like a miracle product; no striping, no sanding, no priming! What! Could a paint really be this incredible?
I decided to do some research on chalk paint and painted a bench in order to test it out. In my research and from my experience, I have to say that the more time you put into re-finishing a piece, the better your results will be. Even though this product says you don’t need to stripe, sand or prime, I did sand my piece so I had a smoother, cleaner surface to paint.
Overall, I was very happy with the outcome of my bench and of the product. I used Martha Stewart Chalk Paint in Linen. I chose to only paint the bottom part of my bench and leave the top it’s natural wood. This was just a personal preference I liked from viewing projects on Pinterest. I will finish my piece by staining the top of the bench for added protection.
Here are some steps I followed:
Prep – Wash down your piece and remove any hardware. Sand the rough edges and fill in holes with wood glue/filler.
Paint – Paint with the grain as best as possible, though chalk paint is forgiving. Your first coat will look streaky, no need to worry! Paint 2-3 coats and allow 1-2 hours to dry between each coat.
Distress Options – Use medium grade sand paper or a sanding block to distress the corners and edges as much or as little as you like. Make sure you wipe down the piece with a damp rag after in order to remove all the dust particles.
Wax – Waxing your piece is optional, though recommended. The wax seals and protects your furniture. When applying, do so in a circular motion, but finish sweeping it with the grain of the wood. The wax will turn into a hard finish once complete. You can do this step a couple of times, especially the top of your furniture. Wax is available in many different options and can really change the look of your piece as well. Make sure you research and test your chalk paint colour and wax first before completely a large project to ensure you will be happy with the final product.
Let your furniture cure for 24 hours before using, though it can take up to 30 days to completely cure. After 24 hours, take a soft rag and buff your piece for some added shine, and put your hardware back on.
I hope this helps inspire you to start your own chalk paint project this year! I already have my next project lined up and I can’t wait to get to work on it. Feel free to share your projects on our Face Book page!